Hi everyone!
It's hard to believe this is my second last prayer letter before finishing my year with FirstServe. Words cannot express how thankful I am for you and your continual willingness to pray. Your prayers have played one of the most significant roles this year in all of these opportunities being possible, so thank you so much!
Music has always been a huge part of my life, especially when it comes to the piano. I remember walking out of my first piano lesson 13 years ago, with my homework being to practise Jingle Bells (even though it was September!), and feeling so excited to think that by the next week I would be able to play a whole song. Over the years since, God has given me so many opportunities and a desire to use this love of music for Him through playing and singing at church and worship nights.
God has uniquely crafted each one of us with talents, hobbies, and passions. These gifts are not random; they are intentional deposits of God’s grace into our lives. As we pursue our talents, we need to recognise that these pursuits can be a beautiful expression of worship and service to God.
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are reminded, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Peter encourages us to view our talents as tools for serving others and glorifying God. Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument, writing, or any other hobby, our talents can be a means of sharing God’s love and grace with the world. Think about how you can use your talents to bless others and honor God. He can use them in amazing ways to encourage others and to be a platform for reflecting His goodness and grace.
Work around the centre
The work has continued to keep us busy around the centre. Apart from dishes and cleaning rooms, Rachel and I have both been back in the kitchen to help Jean Marc prepare salads, desserts, picnics and make a salmon lasagne dish for the group. I was a bit skeptical about putting salmon in a lasagne when I first arrived, but it has since become my favourite dish and would definitely recommend trying it! We have also been doing a lot of restocking for camps coming over the summer and organising newsletters for the centre.
Camp Marche
The Christian walking camp that took place at the centre two weeks ago went really well, and we had some great opportunities to get involved in the camp. David, our supervisor, was leading the week and we were able to go on a few walks with the group as well as eating with them at mealtimes - giving me a great opportunity to speak French nearly all week! We were able to join the group going to Mont Saint Michel last Tuesday for a walking tour over the marshy sand to an island and then exploring around Mont St Michel itself, which was beautiful.
A new UFCV group arrived straight after the walking group to do their lifeguard training, and once again we were able to have some good conversations, with some members asking how I had found out about the centre and why I was volunteering here. There have also been many times where we were able to witness through our actions. The group saw us pray every mealtime and they sat beside us at picnic benches while we did our weekly Bible study. Pray that they would come to know Christ even through these small opportunities.
Bible Study
The Bible study at the centre has continued to be an encouragement to me as we slowly work through Matthew. It has been a great book to read while being at the centre and seeing how Jesus reacts to those around Him during His work - with love for both those who love and follow Him and those who hate and reject Him. I had a situation last week where another volunteer had arrived and we haven’t gotten on particularly well while working together. Some hurtful things had been said, and I had built up a lot of anger and frustration. But as I was preparing to lead Bible study last Tuesday and reading how Jesus reacted with love and compassion to all those that rejected Him, I realised that my attitude and resentment towards that person had been wrong and asked God for forgiveness and a softened heart. Although things weren’t perfect, God gave me a change of heart towards the situation and the patience and self control to continue to serve Him lovingly.
Last week, I had the opportunity to play and sing with the worship team at the church that we’ve been attending while we’ve been at CDJ. It was an interesting experience as the whole service is in French, so I was tasked with learning seven songs in French in the week leading up to Sunday, which was quite a project! I have also been organising the music for the sports camp this week at the centre which I have enjoyed, and it has been amazing to know that although we are singing new songs in a different language with Christians we don’t know particularly well, we are all praising the same God and rejoicing in the same Gospel!
Catching up with friends
It was lovely to be able to meet up with Matthew and Martha from Regent for a couple of hours on Wednesday! It has been so encouraging over this year when those from a bit closer to home visit or get in touch so it was nice to see some familiar faces!
Rachel and I are also planning a trip to Paris for a few days to visit our friend Sophie from Tilsley, who is currently living in Paris with work. We’re looking forward to spending some time with her again and to enjoy a change of scenery!
Camp Sport
On Saturday, a smaller Christian group arrived for a sports camp, and Rachel and I have skived off work to get stuck in with the group for the week. Every day we have a time of worship followed by a discussion about various passages found in Mark.
Between a 13 mile hike, ultimate frisbee, wakeboarding, cycling and sand yachting, which I’d never even heard of until this week, I have definitely crossed a few things off my bucket list. As incredible as it has been, I would not recommend doing all of these activities in the same week as I can hardly move at the moment and I have never been so tired…but it has been great fun! Prayer over the next few days would be appreciated as a seven hour canoeing trip is planned for tomorrow!
I have also been encouraged this week in the one-on-one conversations I’ve had with some of the camp members, which we haven’t been able to have as much with other groups when we’ve been working. This morning on a hike, I had a conversation with the French pastor who has been the speaker for the sports camp about the importance of remembering the basic principles of the Gospel even as someone who has been a Christian for a long time - no matter how long we’ve been saved, or how much Bible knowledge we think we have, we should always be careful to appreciate the amazing gift that God has given us of salvation through His Son in full, and not allow ourselves to underestimate the suffering that Jesus had to go through to save us, which I am often guilty of. It really challenged me. It is so important to never forget how merciful God has been to each of us and that He gives us so much that we don’t deserve every day.
Prayer Points
Pray for Tirza as she left the centre on Tuesday to return to Germany, that she would adjust back home quickly and that God would guide her as she looks for a job.
Pray for those in the UFCV group who once again showed interest in the Gospel.
Give thanks for the walking camp going smoothly and for those who came.
Give thanks for safety and encouragement at the sports camp so far and pray for the rest of the week.
Please pray as Rachel and I begin to pack up and say our goodbyes over the next couple of weeks.
Again, thank you so much for your continued support in prayer. I can't wait to see what God has in store over these last couple of weeks. Please do let me know if I can be praying for you in any way!
God Bless,
Anna x
‘I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.’
Romans 12 v 1
May God guide you and keep you safe in your final weeks in France. Praying for you, love Jill
It’s been a privilege to share in your journey this past year Anna as God has worked both in you and through you. Praying God will bless you in your final weeks and bring you safely home. Love Gillian 🥰🙏