Hello once again! Here we are already nearing the end of November…which means it’s only four weeks until Christmas!! Things are getting very exciting at my placement as we begin to prepare for all the Christmas events coming up, and lots has been happening!
Personal Devotions
Over the last two weeks, I have been finishing up studying 1 Samuel after months of working through the book! There has been so much to learn from the character of David, “a man after God’s own heart” (13:14). A verse that has stood out to me has been - “But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” (30:6b) While David had been away fighting with the Philistines, the Amalekites had attacked and burnt Ziklag, David’s hometown at the time and taken their families captive. At this low point David had nothing to support him. No one in Israel could help, the Philistines didn’t want him, his family was gone, all he owned was gone and even his friends turned against him. Every support was gone…except the Lord. David knew he was weak and needed God’s strength. He didn’t wait for someone else to strengthen him, he knew that the Lord’s strength was there for those who wait upon Him. This was the strength of the living God making itself real in the life and heart of a hurting man. This was strength for recognition, for brokenness, for repentance, for determination to win back what the enemy had stolen. This was the same strength that would raise Jesus from the dead!
With midterm over and everyone back to school, we have had a busy few weeks in terms of youth! We had our grandparents and toddlers group Oaks and Acorns on last Thursday, which was well attended! It’s so lovely to see the kids who are as young as two years old singing Jesus Loves Me and listening to the short Bible stories.
We also had Friday Frenzy last Friday which went well. With it being a week focusing on Children in Need, we did our quiz and talk based on that theme and looked at Jesus feeding the five thousand, but ultimately trying to show the kids that their greatest need is the love of Christ. We are planning a Christmas Friday Frenzy in a few weeks time, which will include an indoor snowball fight so please pray for me!
We are continuing the theme of the fruits of the Spirit at SPACE every Sunday evening with the Christian young people and I have been getting involved in leading the music for that and small group discussions, and even trying my hand at baking brookies! It has been so encouraging to see young people on fire for God and keen to learn and grow in their faith through the conversations in our small groups!
Street Pastors
The answer is yes, I did voluntarily choose to spend another Saturday night walking around the streets of Newcastle in the cold!! After really enjoying the experience of Street Pastors a few weeks ago, I was able to go out last Saturday night as an observer again. It has certainly given me a new perspective of the real need to show God’s love in practical ways even in our own communities.
Community Hub
The Community Hub runs at Regent once a month on a Saturday, and the simple idea of it is to eat breakfast baps and chat to people! It has been a great way to build relationships with people without them feeling intimidated about coming into an actual church service and to show them God’s love simply through breakfast! Matthew and I spent the morning at the Hub talking to a man who is trying to run various youth groups and really struggling to get the help and support needed to keep them running. Please keep him in your prayers as he looks to the Lord for wisdom whether to continue these youth groups and if so, to provide the help needed for them to function.
I have been very busy music wise at Regent at the moment, especially with Christmas looming around the corner! As well as playing on Sunday, a small group of us are rehearsing to sing at our ladies’ wreath making event coming up on the 9th. I mentioned briefly in my last prayer letter that Regent also have a Christmas choir preparing a couple of songs for the carol services (which I definitely need prayer for as I’m in the soprano group…), and I am now also playing piano at both services, so we have been busy organising practises for those.
I have spent a lot of the last week doing odd jobs around the church, and while doing so learning some skills I never thought I would, such as hoovering a baptism tank, as you do, and in frustration, testing many methods to try and label hundreds of magazines as quickly as possible. I have also set out all 170 of the church chairs so many times now that I may as well just cancel the gym membership!
Pop up Pantry
Matthew and I were back at the Pop up Pantry on Thursday, which I’ve really enjoyed! It was quiet, but I had some really good conversations with people this time as I’m getting to know them. I was talking to D, who has just had her tonsils out and had surgery on her ankle yesterday, so please pray for her recovery. One of the volunteers also got news this week that her sister’s cancer has returned, so please pray for her and her family too as she begins treatment.
Since I’ve arrived at Regent, homegroups are something that I’ve really been enjoying! They have really helped me to really meditate on and think about what was said on Sunday and the discussions have been so beneficial! I was at two different homegroups this week, both covering the same questions based on the sermon from Sunday on Hebrews 12, but it’s amazing how different the discussions and perspectives can be with two different groups of people, and has given me a much deeper insight into the passage!
Tilsley visit
I have also been able to make a flying visit up to Tilsley this weekend along with Kara and Rachel!! We had a fantastic time catching up with different friends and lecturers and just getting a bit of time to relax together. From late night jungle speed, to decorating Tilsley for Christmas, to charity shop shopping round 3, to Edinburgh Christmas market, and most importantly, even saving some of the students money by giving them haircuts ourselves, we have had a chaotic but amazing weekend together!
Moshi Introduction
During our visit to Tilsley, Rachel and I were able to meet up with Lynsey, who we will be working with at the kindergarten and orphanage alongside her husband Jonny when we go out to Tanzania in January. Although it is very exciting, it is becoming a lot more real that we’ll be away for 3 months. Please pray for Rachel and I as we prepare emotionally and spiritually for this transition.
Prayer Points
Please pray…
For the various youth outreach events planned on the lead up to Christmas.
For the strength and wisdom needed as the weeks become busier.
For the Ladies’ Christmas wreath making night on the 9th.
Again, I really appreciate your prayers throughout this year, and have definitely seen God answering prayer in miraculous ways. We are so blessed to have a God who is so powerful, and yet we can call Him Father!
God Bless,
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16 v 7
Looking forward to a haircut over Christmas x pap